Tired clicking and killing mobs manually?? this is your chance to change it. use this ASAP because it might be patched on future. this is 100% free and no survey, 

How to Use
Start Game > Login > At Character Selection > Run Bot (as admin)> Once bot is loaded Enter Game World > Setup a place to bot and config your skills> Press Start and happy botting
Keybind to stop bot: CTRL+L 

Slot: Which Slot is "x" skill place. Example: Skills will be use in order, from slot 1-8.
Wait: Not cooldown but the time interval that the bot will wait until it moves onto the next skill in the Priority list. Example: You set Priority 1 at Slot 1 to
5sec wait, Priority 2 will be launch after 5 sec wait time and so on.
Max Usage: The period that the bot will use a skill item for. A setting of 1 will mean the bot will use that slot for 1 minute. A setting of 0 will means it will always use that slot. Always put the slots you want to always be used BEFORE a slot that has a Max Usage time.

Auto Rest: Bot will rest when a % of HP is less then or equal to set amount.
Pre-Attack: Buff Or Healing Or Potion before battle. Activated when HP is less then or equal to set amount.
Post-Attack: Same as above. But After Combat is over.

Tips: Botting near a lot of monsters is best. Otherwise, the bot will spin around until monster is in sight.

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Credits : ROIBOT

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